
Zuidlarenstraat 57, Unit 2.07 (second floor, room 7)
2545 VP Den Haag

opening hours

Orders can be picked up at Unit 2.07. As soon as you have received the notification that your order is ready, you can come by during the times below.

Monday: from 09:00 to 16:30
Tuesday: from 09:00 to 16:30
Wednesday: (by appointment only)
Thursday: from 09:00 to 16:30
Friday: from 09:00 to 16:30
Saturday: (by appointment only)
Closed on Sundays

Contact us to schedule an appointment outside these times if the above times do not suit you.

View here which (public) holidays we keep

Wednesday: from 14:00 to 15:15
Sunday: from 12:15 to 13:30

Contact us to choose your subscription and schedule your weekly class time.

Free parking is available in the street and surrounding area.


What is the delivery time of our products?

The delivery time is 1 to 5 working days.

How can I cancel or reschedule my music or yoga class. How can I do that best?

Send an email using the contact form below.

I just want to eat ladoo all day long. Can you also help me with this?

Yes, we let you enjoy your well-known Tamsic Ladoo first. This is followed by a systematic upgrade to Rajassic and finally our pure Sattvic Ladoo!

Contact us for all your questions